Sport Consulting
Sport consulting is an important step for GM Bikes SA, with the purpose of evaluating every possible market strategy. Analyzing the company’s profile in a very detailed manner in every aspect is fundamental in order to consider and suggest the best possible sponsorship solutions.
The general evaluation of the context, company-product –sponsoring is an essential step to ensure that the rightful sponsoring is undertaken. GM Bikes SA, carefully evaluates the product that should be promoted, to whom it is aimed at, therefore the target of potentially interested people, the dimensions of the sponsoring company, the space or the market area in which the society is interested, besides obviously the budget provided for sponsoring. In this analysis, regardless whether the company wants or can invest a few thousand euros or millions, everyone should be able to reach the best possible result.
Optimized investments
Beyond the passion for a sport or the pleasure or pride to sponsor a big team or event, it is necessary to guarantee that the right thing is done. Sponsoring is an enormous world and not everything that sponsoring means, is interesting and above all not everything is worth the cost of investment. Formula 1 is one luminous example, the sponsorship cost is extremely high and one can never have a return in terms of sponsoring value or TV return. For some companies, the most interesting part is not the brand awareness or the return on investment in TV seconds or minutes, but to be able to transmit to the interested party a clear message “look up here, I am in F1 and I can afford it”.
Taking another concrete example, let’s imagine a company with a very high turnover, and with its own limited market in a single region or country. It would not make sense to invest in a sport or in a team with international or world dimensions, as long as the largest part of investments comes from the transmitted image, it will suffer losses in areas where no one knows that company. Consequently, the diversification of sponsorships with perhaps additional investments with social scopes in the area where the company is present is more coherent and certainly more fructuous.
Before launching you in the adventure of sponsoring, GM Bikes SA is at your disposal for your personal consulting.